Finally a solid pair of cold winter work gloves you can wear and work in winter. I've tried a dozen different gloves and they either don't protect from the cold (below zero) or are too bulky to do any manual labor. These provided excellent coverage chain sawing firewood in the negative teens; not only could I adjust choke, move levers, start and stop the saw, but I bucked split picked up and then restacked 10 cords of wood and there is very little wear to the gloves. Well worth the money. Also easy to use tapping maple trees, opening gates, etc.
These are great gloves if you’re aware of what you need from a good set of gloves. These are not waterproof so don’t buy them for working in the rain or snow. I used them once in the snow and they couldn’t hold off the water. However, wearing them in general cold weather is fine.
So if you wear these in just cold weather, they’re great. Not good for wet work. They are a little bulky so hard to press buttons with but worth the trade off for keeping my hands warm.
High quality gloves. I use these a lot to protect my hands from pinches, cuts, abrasions, hot metal in summer and cold metal in winter. The non elastic cuff makes it very easy to slip them on and off. I order one size larger than typical or my hands feel constrained.
I've been using these for the past two days while installing wooden posts on my farm. On the first day it was 18 degrees F and heavily snowing but my fingers were still warm!! They're thick enough to keep you warm and you're still able to work however the gloves are decently thick so don't expect to do anything requiring good dexterity.
These gloves are better for the $$ than the typical cheap imported junk sold in most stores....the leather wears better, and they seem to be made better (nicer fabric, better stitching, and no cheasy rubber coating on the fabric that dries and peels off as they age and flex). I liked them so much, I bought a second set. The insulation is not as "cushy" as many cheaper gloves, but it is still warm enough to do typical cool weather outdoor stuff.

Feature Product
- Durable cotton duck with suede cowhide palm and palm patches, g100 3 M thinsulate insulation
- Easy on safety cuff, cowhide knuckle protection
Shell: durable cotton duck with suede cowhide palm and palm patches
Not the heaviest duty gloves or the warmest. But a great combination of work glove and insulated glove. I use them outside and in the garage on cold days. Even if I need a new pair every year it will be more than worth it for me.
Being from a heavy construction background for my total career life. Out of necessity you test this work glove and that one until you find just the right one and the same goes with many products that you use daily. After trying many different types of gloves , these are the gloves that stood out leagues above the rest.. They are warm and padded and take an enormous amount of abuse. Just a lot more then just a comfortable glove.. I've used these for many years and will continue to do so for many more.
These gloves are the most durable winter work gloves that I have ever owned. During my life, I have worn out 38 pairs of winter gloves from eight different manufacturers. After searching many local stores for a quality XXL glove, I found the Carhartt winter work glove and I could not be happier; thanks Amazon!
Seems to be well-made. It hasn't been cold enough here to truly test how warm they are. I've always liked slightly over-sized gloves; in the event my hand gets into a 'pinch' situation, I can easily pull my hand out of the glove. These seem to fit my requirement!
These are great gloves that I use when splitting wood here in Upstate, New York. Also, it's hard to find size XXL. Using other work gloves, my fingers used to freeze, but not with these. Hey, that rhymes !! Will order an additional pair..

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