I purchased these filters instead of the Filtrete Micro Allergen Defense filters I had been buying previously since the 3M filters have gotten way too expensive. Overall, these filters are better in many ways than the 3M filters but fall short in one respect.
Pros: the Aerostar filters are better supported than the 3M filters (see photos), heavier (8 oz. vs. 7 oz. for the 3M), and have more pleats. The generally feel more substantial and rigid than the 3M filters.
Cons: they are smaller than the 3M filters and may fit more loosely depending on your ductwork. These filters are 19.5 x 19.5 x 0.75 inches while the 3M filters are 19.7 x 19.7 x 0.75. I used foam tape along the edges of my return ducts to make it a tight fit.
Considering the price difference and the overall better quality of the Aerostar filters, I will certainly buy them again.
Photos: 3M filter is on the left (somewhat dirty since I was replacing them), Aerostar filter is on the right.
I've sold, installed Honeywell air filtration ssystems going back to the mid 90's.
I've no clue the number of systems sold over the 20 + years.
I found these filters by accident, looking for the Honeywell brand.
I assumed they were probably made a little cheaper than the Honeywell filters, flimsy from thin cardboard...
Well, I was wrong, big time wrong.
These are better than the original filters I was looking for and with a price that makes sense and is fair.
I'll be buying these from now on.
These are wonderful. Everything that I was hoping for. I love that they're Merv 13 ( The standard rating for filter quality. Standard residential equals 1 to 4, better residential equals 5 to 8, superior residential equals 9 to 12, and hospitals is 13 to 16. A level 11 MERV filter can be expected to remove 60 to 65% of dust particles) I would buy a level 16 MERV filter if I could, but any sort of superior residential filter is difficult to find and often not worth the cost.
I bought these to go into the 12x24 air inlet. I purchase the after market register covers from Lowes and self installed. What an amazing upgrade. We went from one filter on the furnace to two register filters (these) and the furnace unit. I would recommend this simple DIY and these filters to anyone.
We've been doing construction on our home and I've been replacing these monthly. Our first month we had a good handlful of dust. So happy we avoided having that in our air and our new furnace.
We will absolutely be repurchasing these in the future.
See my before/after photo after using this filter for one month in Los Angeles. This is so cheap, I CAN change it monthly! Amazing what it keeps out of my lungs and sinuses!
It is often a pain buying filters for the AC/furnace: more economical to buy a bunch, prices vary, ratings vary, brands vary . . . and you throw out the filter in a month or so! You just want it to work. I thought I would order some online through amazon and it worked out wonderfully. They were reasonably-priced and I got a higher R rating for the product than a lesser rating at a greater price. It arrived on time. No damage. And the filters work! This will be my source for future filters.

Feature Product
- Comparable to 3M filtrete mpr 600 clean living
- Comparable to 3M filtrate mpr 1000 to 1200 micro allergen defense
- Comparable to Honeywell Allergen Plus FPR 7
- Fights lint, dust mites, mold spores, pollen, pet dander, dust, and smoked
16 3/8x21 1/2x1 Carrier Replacement Filter by Aerostar - MERV 11, Box of 6 Replaces Bryant/Carrier part # KFAFK0212MED Fits HVAC Unit Models: Bryant/Carrier/Payne: 030/036, FV4, FK4, FC4, FB4, FA4, FH4, FA4ANC036, FA4ANF030, FA4ANF036, FA4BNF036, FA4CNC024, FA4CNC030, FA4CNF030, FB4ANA036, FB4ANF030, FB4ANF036, FB4BNF030, FE4ANF002, FX4ANF030, FX4BNF030, FX4CNF024, FX4DNB019, FX4DNB025, FX4DNF019, FX4DNF025, PF1MNA036 (2.5 - 3 Tons) Pleated MERV 11 Media Comparable to MPR 1000 to 1200 and FPR 7 Designed for Superior Filtration Efficiency Made with electrostatically charged synthetic material that draws and captures allergens between 1 - 10 microns, including lint, dust mites, mold spores, pollen, pet dander, dust, and smoke. Improve Efficiency and Reduce Cost An Aerostar furnace air filter helps keep your HVAC unit working efficiently by removing dirt and reducing strain on the motor. When your unit runs properly, it consumes less energy, requires less maintenance and will have a longer life. These factors will have an impact on your utility bill and maintenance costs. It is recommended that you change the filter every 60 to 90 days during normal times of year but increase frequency to 30 days during peak summer and winter months when your unit is working the hardest. About Aerostar Furnace Air Filters Aerostar filters are manufactured in the USA by Filtration Group, a world-leading manufacturer and supplier of filtration solutions for residential, commercial and industrial applications. The Aerostar brand is known for constantly innovating and improving their technology to help make filtration more efficient, effective and environmentally friendly every day. What's in the Box of six Aerostar MERV 11 Pleated Furnace Air Filters. MERV 11 filters are comparable to MPR 1000 to 1200 and FPR 7 ratings.
I purchased Aerostar MERV 13 filters in the 20x30x1, 14x30x1, and 12x12x1 sizes for my HVAC systems. As a point of comparison, I have always used 3M Filtrete filters in the red packaging. These either have a 1000 or 1085 MPR rating, which would be closer to a MERV 11 rating. Here are some things to note:
- Each Aerostar filter was clearly labeled with respect to its nominal size, actual size, and MERV rating. No brand information is printed on the filters.
- In all cases, the Aerostar filters have the same or more pleats than the 3M filters. Also, both the wire and paperboard framing for the Aerostar filters are more substantial than the 3M filters. Lastly, the Aerostar filter media just appears to be denser than that of the 3M filter, as it lets less light through. In theory, I'm expecting the Aerostar filters to perform best unless there is some more subtle difference in the filter media.
- Irrespective of the actual dimensions printed, the Aerostar filters are always between 1 to 3mm smaller in each dimension compared to the 3M filters.
- When installing the 3M filters, I have always found them slightly oversized such that I usually have to crush a filter's frame a bit to get it mounted. As a result, it is doubtful that any air can bypass the filter and the only way the filter moves is if I tug it firmly to remove.
- When installing the Aerostar 20x30x1 filter, it remained snug to the vent frame and did not fall from the ceiling even with the HVAC fan off and grate open. If the filter was jiggled a little, it would fall though. In other words, it wasn't tight like a 3M filter.
- When installing the Aerostar 12x12x1 filter, it did not stay snug to the vent frame. I had to slide it in and close the grate to keep it in place. Despite this, I haven't heard any filter movement when the fan turns on or off.
- When installing the Aerostar 14x30x1 filter, it was similarly snug to a 3M filter.
If a problem develops with any of the filters, I think I'll just use double sided tape to secure them as necessary. I am satisfied with this given how much I saved over buying 3M filters.
- For reference, the actual dimensions printed on the 3M filters are 501mm x 755mm x 20mm, 349mm x 755mm x 20mm, and 298mm x 298mm x 20mm. In comparison, the actual dimensions printed on the Aerostar filters are 502mm x 756mm x 19mm, 352mm x 759mm x 19mm, and 298mm x 298mm x 19mm. Irrespective of the printed dimensions, the real world dimensions, as explained above, don't exactly match the specifications.
- The 20x30x1, and 12x12x1 sizes were shipped directly from Amazon, while the 14x30x1 size was shipped from Air Filters Delivered. The filters shipped from Amazon were received in perfect condition as they were double boxed. The filters shipped from Air Filters Delivered were slightly battered and deformed.
Affordable, great quality, and my go to brand! I buy these every few months and they are great. I replace three of this size and one larger every 2 months. We keep our house clean and dust free at all times, but we live in a state where allergies are constantly brewing and can't escape it. These filters help!!! Results you can see and feel. Only con I have is that these are a bit short and fit loosely. My solution is a $1.50 roll of window weather stripping around the filter and I get a snug fit. Overall, I'm happy and will continue to purchase.
I suffer from allergies and have multiple animals (developed them years later), so when I leave the sanctuary my bedroom (which is a no pet zone) I usually get bombarded with nasal allergens. My only aid previously was antihistamines and was on them daily to cope. I've tried the higher Merv filters at the Home Depot and Walmart and they don't work as well as these. I don't know what it is but it works better. I am no longer bombarded with nasal allergens. I use antihistamines to mainly deal with my ezcema now to keep some of the itching down. This is my go-to filter and in fact I am going to stock up on these as the price for the pack is phenomenal compared to the store ones. Get these, as a person who suffers allergies with pets, you won't regret it.
For the price I bought this six pack 18x18x1 MERV 13 with a 14x14x1 MERV 13 as well, pretty much a steal if you ask me. It came earlier than expected, fit perfectly in my home for the first floor and second floor. Don't be alarmed by their shipping estimated time which is pretty ridiculous, they send it pretty fast through FedEx. Package wasn't damaged when I received it and the contents inside didn't seem to have any damage inside as well.
This Aerostar filter was what came with my new unit when it was installed. It works well; no problems and I will be changing it at 3 months as suggested. Great price on these that come six to a pack. Much cheaper than buying locally from Loews, Home Depot, etc.

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